GP Short Notes # 923, 16 May 2024
Assassination Attempt on Prime minister triggers accusation of police and bodyguards
On 15 May, The Slovak Spectator reported on the shooting of Robert Fico Slovakian Prime Minister in Handlová. Fico suffered an injury in the abdomen which is currently observed as “life threatening.” Following this, the police had arrested the suspect who is identified to be a amateur poet and according to a Hungarian investigate the suspect is associated with a pro-Russian paramilitary group.
World leaders such as Ursula Von Der Leyen, European Commission President responded: “Such acts of violence have no place in our society and undermine democracy, our most precious common good.” Apart from this, Putin and leaders from Hungary and Czech Republic also condemned the attacks
Who is Robert Fico?
Robert Fico, who had played a very important role in Slovakian politics since 1993 independence has served as a prime minister longer than anyone else. The country gained independence after the Velvet Revolution, it was a series of popular and non-violent protests the Communist party when the country was still Czechoslovakia. Fico had been a communist party member and later founded Smer party in late 1990s. He began his first three terms as a Prime Minister in 2006 and served for four years before going into opposition after his coalition lost the election. The Smer party which started out as political left has but has embraced right- wing views in terms of Immigration and cultural issues.
Most of the international discussion of Fico leadership in recent years has focused on Russia’s President Vladimir Putin of Russia and the Viktor Orban Prime minister of Hungary. The police and bodyguards have been blamed for failing to protect along with journalist and the opposition for attempting the assassination. According to the report, in 2018 an investigative journalist and his fiancée were killed when investigation on corruption began to lead to higher officials. This led to Fico facing criminal charges in 2022 and was demanded to resign in 2018 after mass protests upon the killing. This led to protests, largest since the Velvet Revolution; where the demonstrators demanded resignation and a new election. Fico had overseen the fact that the nation ranks the highest in terms of press freedom. He returned to power in an election in 2024, forming a coalition government securing around 23 per cent votes. He had campaigned against sanctions that were imposed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine. Slovakia's military contributions towards Ukraine were small compared to other nations like the US and the UK.
“PM Fico shot as he speaks to supporters in Handlová,” The Slovak Spectator, 15 May 2024
"Who is Robert Fico, the Slovakian prime minister who was shot?," The Washington Post, 16 May 2024